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Service flowchart: what it is, how to build and example for WhatsApp

Service flowchart: what it is, how to build and example for WhatsApp

Is your service process well structured? You can analyze and improve it with the help of a service flowchart. Good customer service is also a way to add value to the product or service. Therefore, seeking to achieve excellence in service can be the great differential...

Business communication on social networks

Business communication on social networks

Why does the term commercial communication seem so complicated? Why do professionals understand that it is applied only to large companies? We will demystify this problem in this article. Companies have always needed to create bonds. These links can be created with...

Chatbot: The collaborator of the year 2020

Chatbot: The collaborator of the year 2020

The population is changing, what was once a necessity of companies, today is a desire of customers. The millennium generation and the “X” generation already prefer to use chatbot to interact with companies. Chatbots were introduced to improve customer service...

WhatsApp service: tips to improve your results

WhatsApp service: tips to improve your results

WhatsApp has 2 billion users around the world. For this reason, this channel cannot be left out of its consumer relationship strategy. The popularity of WhatsApp has caused many companies to start using this channel in their communication strategies. WhatsApp is a...

What is RPA and what is it for?

What is RPA and what is it for?

RPA, stands for Process Automation by Robotics, so it is possible to automate your tasks quickly and with cost reduction. RPA bots can easily integrate with your broader automation initiatives, such as process and decision automation, or data capture initiatives, to...

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